Sentit | To make a mistake or be incorrect. |
Sinònims | equivocar-se, errar |
Específic | equivocar-se, jutjar malament | judge / judge incorrectly |
Anglès | err, mistake, slip |
Espanyol | confundirse, entender mal, equivocarse, equivocar, errar, fallir, resbalar |
Noms | desencert, equivocació, equívoc, errada, error | Part of a statement that is not correct |
equivocació, error, falla, falta | A wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention |
equivocació, error, malentès | An understanding of something that is not correct |
error, espifiada, lapsus | A minor inadvertent mistake usually observed in speech / speech / speech or writing or in small accidents or memory lapses etc. |
error | inadvertent incorrectness |